Research a sensor concept that describes a collision avoidance system whose property withstands the requirements of medical technology and enables the installation as well as the operation of an autonomous medical device in terms of motion control. For this purpose, the sensor must be able to determine vital functions of persons to Categorize persons based on their risk conditions and stress levels in addition to collision avoidance, which enables path planning in the clinical environment
Development of a Failsafe Perception Sensors Concept for Use in Clinical Settings for Autonomous Motions
Prof. Dr. Stefan May
Mobile Robotik,
* Berührungslose Lokalisation
* 2D/3D-Kartographie
* Autonome Navigation
Betreute Projekte:
- Development of a Failsafe Perception Sensors Concept for Use in Clinical Settings for Autonomous Motions
- Development of Sensor- and Data Fusion Concepts and Algorithms for Safe Autonomous Robot Navigation and Manipulation in Clinical Environments
- Infradar-SLAM: Light-Weight Indoor 3D SLAM Based on Infrared- and Radar-Fusion
- Visual Human Body Weight Estimation with Focus on Clinical Applications
- Befahrbarkeitsanalyse in unwegsamem Gelände unter Berücksichtigung der kinematischen Konzepte mobiler Roboter
- Sensor Fusion for Precise Mapping of Transparent and Specular Reflective Objects
Prof. Dr. Andreas Nüchter
- 3D Robot Vision
- Robotics and Automation
- Telematics & Geomatics
- Sensing and Perception
- Semantics
- Machine Vision
- Cognition
- Artificial Intelligence
Betreute Projekte:
- Development of a Failsafe Perception Sensors Concept for Use in Clinical Settings for Autonomous Motions
- Development of Sensor- and Data Fusion Concepts and Algorithms for Safe Autonomous Robot Navigation and Manipulation in Clinical Environments
- Infradar-SLAM: Light-Weight Indoor 3D SLAM Based on Infrared- and Radar-Fusion
- Synergetic use of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data for large-scale Land cover/Land use mapping
- Sensor Fusion for Precise Mapping of Transparent and Specular Reflective Objects
- Visual Human Body Weight Estimation with Focus on Clinical Applications
- Befahrbarkeitsanalyse in unwegsamem Gelände unter Berücksichtigung der kinematischen Konzepte mobiler Roboter
- Development, Simulation and Evaluation of Mobile Wireless Networks in Industrial Applications