Trust is necessary for all collaborations, whether they involve human actors or not. The interactions of vehicles with their environment also require trust. These relationships are currently managed by the manufacturer, which gives the manufacturer a great deal of influence over the vehicles. In my research, I am creating a system in which the management of trust relationships of vehicles is not done in a blanket manner by the manufacturer, but is based on real-world relationships. Wherever possible, the influence of the actual owner of the vehicle is increased so that they can control interactions and data flows.
Decentralized Trust in Multi-Stakeholder Automotive Cyber-Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Hof
- Automotive Security
- Embedded Security
- Software Security
Betreute Projekte:
Prof. Dr. Stefan Katzenbeisser
- Sichere Kritische Infrastruktur
- Angewandte Kryptographie
- Technischer Datenschutz
Betreutes Projekt:
Decentralized Trust in Multi-Stakeholder Automotive Cyber-Systems