Our BayWISS Joint Academic Partnership is a platform and network for both young and experienced researchers alike, and strengthens the culture of academic exchange between universities of applied sciences and universities – throughout Bavaria.
- clear supervision function, transparent expectations and structured milestones during the doctoral process via the BayWISS supervision agreement
- systematic introduction to the Scientific Community through external and internal network events and access to the Joint Academic Partnership universities´ graduate programmes (more on our events)
- exclusive platform for doctoral candidates, e.g. seminars, collegial advice, coaching, lecture series, symposia, training courses (can be jointly developed in a proactive and needs-oriented way)
- financial support for project-specific equipment, publications, conference trips, participation in workshops and training courses (including the cost of travel), as well as stays abroad for research purposes
- individual advice and organisational support by our coordinator.
We look forward to new members!
Key components of the BayWISS "Verbundpromotion"
- university and university of applied sciences professors jointly and equally provide supervision and expert opinions on the doctorate
- no additional entrance hurdles according to type of university
- no differentiation in the doctoral degree according to academic origin
- name of supervising university of applied sciences on the university doctoral certificate
- consolidation of strengths specific to the location and type of university
Upcoming events and important dates
Online Weiterbildung für BayWISS-Promovierende aller Verbundkollegs
Würzburg: 5. Netzwerktreffen BayWISS Verbundkolleg Digitalisierung
Einladung: Virtuelle Veranstaltungsreihe - Digitale Methoden in der Forschung
Digitaler Doktorandenworkshop Forschungsdatenmanagement 2022
Netzwerktreffen BayWISS Verbundkolleg Digitalisierung
Doktorand*innen Workshop Forschungsdatenmanagement
Doppelsieg für Peter Meier beim 8. Tag der Forschung an der TH Deggendorf
Kick-Off Kampagne "I love Science" und Infoabend
„Pitch your Research“: Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs präsentiert Promotionsprojekte im Themenfeld Digitalisierung
In 6 Wochen zum perfekten Poster Pitch
BayWISS Retreat for Doctoral Candidates: 24 - 25 October 2024, Bildungshaus Bernried
Review of the BayWISS Annual Colloquium on 25 September 2024: “Gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen gestalten: Transformationskompetenz in Wissenschaft und Hochschule”
BayWISS Prize 2024 awarded at the Annual Colloquium
Weiterführender KI-Workshop am 8. August 2024 an der Hochschule München
Get in touch. We look forward to your questions and ideas for our Joint Academic Partnership Digitalisation.
Katharina Raab
Koordinatorin BayWISS-Verbundkolleg Digitalisierung
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Graduate Schools of Science and Technology
Beatrice-Edgell-Weg 21
97074 Würzburg
Telephone: +49 931 3180665
digitalisierung.vk [ at ] baywiss.de